Athazagoraphobia Girl - No. 9 "Outside"

By: Kitsune

Sinking into the blood
The flesh that quivers
No escape from the trap
Woven from strands (chains) of ‘outside’
Forgetfulness turned into claws
  that shred my organs
I’m bleeding inside -
going crazy
I can’t speak a word...
Language slips away
In a corner, I fight to free myself
Hyperventilating -
longing for an edge to slice away.
the FEAR
Wash the wound clean with blood -
no long cold, blood is warm.
Falling from my pale underside...


I open my eyes to the darkness that is light
Blinded, the air is still and stale.
The only movement, the only sound
Birds in a cage,
free from these emotions.
I gather each fallen feather -
Someday there will be enough,
and I’ll weave a skin.
Layer after layer, I’ll strip off this human form
and become a bird whose fear comes only before death.
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