Love In A Box

By: marianava

Love in a box


As I giddily arrived from another normal day of school; my father’s prickly unshaved face smiled with unreasonable happiness.  He placed a beer box in my sweaty palms; breathless I peered into bottomless hole that had been oddly placed in front of the brand’s name.  As my face became a part of the darkness the box shifted its weight into the back corner, impulsive scatters filled my ears as a pair of eyes inside held terror and yearning for freedom. I sat down placing the box onto the cement that dark clouds previously sprinkled with rain. My quivering hand swiftly picked up speed as it invaded what now felt like a bad horror movie. The tip of my finger brushed a thin strip of what felt like a tail, millions of tiny Goosebumps raced across my body, as the desperation of pitter patters banged my ear drums once more. Defeated, I decided to wait. A black wet nose fallowed by the body of a timid black puppy came into view.


We now sit in the very same place. My hand roughly scratches her right ear as her foot paddles away in the familiar rhythm she gets when she is fully satisfied. The least bit of a squawk and her slim body stiffens towering with strength, her ears pointing, searching ready to protect her master. She runs against the wind her hind legs propelling her at a galloping pace that makes me giggle inside. She walks gracefully and barks fearlessly.  Her eyes know how I’m feeling, she forgives me, she thanks, and makes me feel that our encounter still flashes every time out eyes mold as one.


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