
By: PoetPatriot


God is there in everything,

in all the good and evil things.

When all goes well He guides us through,

when evil assails He carries us through.

We must trust in the Son of God,

He knows and is the best for us.

We must trust in our faith in Christ,

unmerited faith from God to us.

He will not fail He cannot lie.

all we need is to trust God's will.

From His word comes the map of life,

in our lives His faith instill.

Life be great or life be damned,

trials prevail when our faith is weak.

Faith in God though trials rage,

peace in all when His Spirit Speaks.

Pain of heart His spirit to sooth,

yield our will to the Spirit's move.

A little faith avails God's power,

victorious life in Him the Father.

- Roger W Hancock

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