Life Or Not

By: PoetPatriot

Life or Not

Abortion kills, you cannot deny.

Be it life or be it not, yet will die.

A fetus, a start of life, but is not a life?

Remove the embryo halt the pregnancy.

Terminate the fetus before infancy.

Then nonetheless you stop a life.

Inconvenienced, so kill the fetus.

It is not a life, so kill the fetus.

How can you kill, if it is not life?

With Mom's love, a life to preserve.

Unwanted, not a life to observe.

A double standard is, to be or not a life.

An embryo lives, to abort it dies,

into a fetus an infant to recognize.

What value we give to this issue of life?

Abort the American holocaust,

an atrocity in this land so great.

The argument pales... compared to life.

- Roger W Hancock

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