Love You From Afar

By: Psudo

Long ago I met a girl

who took my breath away.

Instantly I was in love

and still I am today.

Talking to her was a dream

and seeing her was great.

Slowly it began to seem

that life with her was fate.

Slowly, though, our talks grew rare.

and though it broke my heart

Failure rests upon my care:

We slowly fell apart.

Talks with her grew shorter still

and tears soon came to me

With the realization that

our future failed to be.

Morning now brings emptiness

and pillows clutched so close.

I can't seem to pierce the mess

to tell what I want most.

Let my heart, Belle, dwell with you!

my soul cries out in pain

With a love I know is true,

don't let this be in vain!

Screaming dreams when I'm alone

with torture in my soul,

Still she doesn't hear my moan.

I'm losing all control!

Fighting to regain our talks,

our happyness that day

Back when I first took such stock

and knew I felt this way,

I must find some straighter path

into the future cold,

Show her all the love I have

before her future's sold.

Soon, some man will sweep her off

and buy her future life

Ring in hand, he'd hold aloft

and steal my future wife.

So, I must act quickly, now,

but how to even start?

How to tell my deepest love

the secrets of my heart?

Ignorance still holds me fast

despite my raging mind.

Chains of fate, so strongly cast

are locked and wholely bind.

Someday it will be my lot

to break this social bar.

Know this, though you knew it not:

I love you from afar.

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