Don't I Love You

By: Psudo

I only know your words and talk,

I've never seen your style or walk,

But when I take careful stock,

Don't I love you?

We chat about this and that,

Religion and StarCraft and that darn cat.

I ponder as I sit and chat,

Don't I love you?

I see your face inside my mind.

I've never seen it, but I know it's kind,

It smiles so quick, with tears behind.

Don't I love you?

I imagine combing your long hair

You've described to me without much flair.

Why dramatisize what's really there?

Don't. I love you.

My dreams have become cryptic things

With dream stories of diamond rings

No sight of you, but my heart sings,

"Don't I love you!"

If we met out in real life,

The world of fighting, death, and strife,

Would I still want you for my wife?

Don't I love you?

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