10:33 PM

By: Kitsune

33 P.M.

They're cold tears that run down my neck

I thought they would be hot and bitter

But they have been born in the cold sadness

Of dying dreams

You never called today, I was expecting you

You dominated my thoughts at work

I looked forward to the evening ahead

I thought of all the things we could do together

Reuniting our friendship, and maybe finding something more

I made sure to dress casual, so you would be comfortable

I waited, watching the silent phone

I did housework to make the time before you called go quicker

Liar! I trusted you unjustly

I'm through with this game I'm torturing myself with

I'm going to forget I ever had these thoughts of you

And I'm going to party with the girls on Friday night

I won't be home to hear the phone

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