Internal Control

By: PoetPatriot

Internal Control

I must give a speech,

With only just a few to hear.

I tell myself be calm, relax,

It does no good too much to care

Feelings, insecurity,

nervousness controls.

I tell myself be calm, relax,

within my mind I really do not care.

Heart races, palms perspire,

my stammering increase.

I tell myself be calm, relax,

my body doesn't seem to care.

Vision blurs, my mind goes numb,

as I seek to grab control.

I tell myself be calm, relax,

subconscious of its own to care.

Consciousness, body, deeper mind

control I do not have.

I tell myself be calm, relax,

of me, my body doesn't care.

I may tell myself to loosen up,

refusing, my body will not comply.

I tell myself be calm, relax,

I surrender... joint existence share.

- Roger W Hancock

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