Bennett's Personality Theory

By: Fox

The mind I split into three parts; the conscious, unconscious and the collective

unconscious. The collective unconscious is the most important, followed by a close

second conscious. I believe the collective unconscious not only holds our instincts, but

the things we do that we do not realize, yet had to learn. For example, walking, speaking,

and writing. We do these things without a thought, or without realizing the thought. It

holds the things we don’t realize we know. The conscious is a very close second since

that’s what we use to think and understand concepts. Although, thinking, over-thinking

that is, is something humans as a whole need to work on. We limit our use of brain

capacity and thinking because we over-analyze and convince ourselves we cannot do

certain things. A study showed that from falling out of bed to hitting the ground we could

understand the entire Lord of the Rings books. In certain stages when we are shock or

awe we forget that we have limits on our mind. When people say they could remember

everything that happened in a car crash as if it all happened in slow motion, that is an

example of how much our minds can actually hold. This is why I believe the collective

unconscious is more important, it doesn’t analyze. The unconscious mind, which is

useful, holds our imagination whereas the conscious mind is all literal thinking. The

unconscious mind is all abstract, but we pull our imagination into our conscious thoughts

from out unconscious.

Our personality never stops developing. our beliefs maybe strong, and our

thoughts the same, but they can change at any given moment. I believe it takes a lot to

change ones mind, but it can be done. Such proof comes from a friend of mine who

completely believed in something and then a few months later had at 180 degree turn on

his personality and beliefs. Certain situations can occur to change a person’s personality.

We, as humans, are not born good or bad. We are neutral. an equal amount of

positive and negative until someone shifts us in one direction or another. Genetics has a

hand a little in which way we may go. For instance, some children may go the opposite

way the are pushed into going. A child who’s mother is abusive may turn out to be the

most caring mothers, learn from other’s mistakes. The other side is she may turn into the

same type of mother and learn what she was taught was right.

We have an Id, Ego, and Superego, not as little devils of angels on our shoulders,

but the thoughts we have. In everything there is a bad, grey, and good area, although

some disagree on all of them. If our superego takes control we start freaking out, many

times the ego butts in and tries to calm it down. Talking to yourself isn’t as strange as

some people think, We often have many different perspectives on issues and problems

we have to debate with ourselves on. Such a situation would go like this: A boy in

school drops his pen in front of a girl. Ego would say “He’s going to wait for her to pick

it up and shove her over.” Ego would say “Oh, he dropped his pen.” Superego would say

“He did it on purpose so she’d notice him.” The Ego would still be open-minded, but

would start in the grey area. Then when whatever happens next the ego would decided

what was true based on the outcome of the situation.

We all put on a mask for society. No matter how “true” you are to yourself, you

act differently in different situations. This is a good thing based on society’s rules, and I

agree with that. If a person is constantly loud, being quiet in a class or an assembly

would be nice. If a person is at a rock concert and sits down and doesn’t say a word or

sing or get excited, you think something is wrong, they aren’t wearing that mask that let’s

them be outgoing.

We have a collective unconscious, which I stated before. I did not explain all in

which I believe it holds. I believe the collective unconscious is what keeps humans, and

animals evolving. A tiger has claws to rip and tear at the flesh of the animals they eat. If

suddenly a whole bunch of tigers were being fed through a tube, they would have little

used for their claws. This would be stored in the collective unconscious. Over

generations of tiger’s being fed through tubes the tiger would not understand the use of

it’s claws, and they would slowly disappear. I think humans mostly evolve in the mind,

and that can be taken away if it is not used. Such as when barbarians took over, they set

us back in technology hundreds of years, we had to relearn it.

Our personality comes from experiences. After we have most experiences we

decide what we believe. I didn’t know there was any other religion when I was Christian,

that was from experience, but only one. I thought it was set in stone we -knew- for a fact

that it was true. It has all the answers. Which I figure is why I don’t like it. I think it’s a

selfish religion. (Really no offense to anyone, that’s the way I see it, I can’t change that.)

I don’t think Christians are selfish. People in general are selfish, but the religion just

seems selfish to me. When someone gave me more options I went to that, and then I

switched again, and I switched around for about two years. Then after having all the

experiences I decided that I believed. And my personality is a big part of that. I didn’t

know about the collective unconscious until this year, and it makes my theory make a lot

more sense to me, so I adopted it into my thoughts. Experience is everything, and can

range from getting bit by a spider to a catastrophic disaster. We all react differently from

one person to the next, and that is the genetic influence.

We all strive for toward perfection, but we all have our own view of perfection.

My perfection is being knowledgeable, along with many other things. Someone else’s

could have nothing to do with knowledge because we all have different goals. The

statement above should be I believe we all strive toward -a- perfection.

We are masters of out own destiny. I don’t’ believe someone or something has

control of my life. I believe that their is a balance that must be kept, but I think of it as an

energy. We keep going the way we are until an outside force pushes us off track or

destroys us.

Personality is learned. I got into an argument at the beginning of the school year

about the same thing. This was Mr. Nelson. A little personality is hereditary, such as if a

baby is cranky, but everything else is learned until a certain point where the person learns

to challenge what they learned, if they learn to challenge thins. If we don’t like the way

we act, we can change that, though.

I don’t believe television creates personality. Parents and, just plain society blame

television, books, games, and music for not teaching things they should have to their kid.

They don’t admit to their mistakes, and blame everything else for it. They are only

influences if they were taught to -be- influenced by those things.

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